over 1 year ago | by: Kyle Gill
by: Kyle Gill
over 1 year ago
Creature explores the opposition inherent in humanity, which is "both haunted and holy"
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half•alive has a real ability to make their music emotional, and creature is probably one of the most moving songs from their debut album. The lyrics express very religious themes, and explore the paradox of divinity that comes from being offspring of deity, and the opposite- being fallen and helpless. The statement "I will trust the artist molding me" alludes to statements from biblical prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, who likened the God of Israel to a potter shaping clay. Almost crying out the words and declaring himself "both haunted and holy", singer Josh Taylor expresses simultaneous frustration with the position of feeling helpless, while also showing hope that he will not be blinded "when you guide me".

This song was performed last in half•alive's tour following the release of the song, and though its lyrics are a bit less ambiguous, it draws similarities to Twenty One Pilots' Trees. Creature takes a less outspoken route, and echoes a similar sentiment of hope. At the end of the day we might feel haunted as fallen creates, but are ultimately holy.

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